
    MP Adarsh Gram Yojana

    • Date : 14/02/2025 -

    Objectives:- 1) To accelerate the processes leading to the overall development of the selected Gram Panchayat. 2) To bring about real improvement in the living conditions and standard of living of all sections of the people through the following measures. 3) To create models of local level development and effective local governance which can inspire the surrounding Gram Panchayats to learn and adopt these models. 4) To develop the selected model villages as schools of local development so that other Gram Panchayats can be trained. Perspective:- To achieve the objectives, the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana will be guided by the following perspective. 1) To motivate the MPs (MPs) to use their leadership, capacity, commitment and energy for the development of the model Gram Panchayat and to increase their efficiency. 2) To unite all communities and work through them to achieve development with partnership at the local level. 3) To achieve the goal of comprehensive development in line with people’s aspirations and local capabilities, various government programs and private and voluntary sector initiatives should be harmonized. 4) To enhance partnerships with voluntary organizations, cooperatives, educational and research institutions. 5) To focus on results and sustainability. Nature of work:- The village selected under the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana should develop its development through participatory deliberations of the people with the help of MPs, Gram Panchayats, villagers and appropriate facilities of the government machinery, making maximum use of their efficiency and available resources, etc. Personal development, human development, social development, economic development, environmental development, basic facilities and services, social security, good governance Selection of model villages:- 1) Gram Panchayat will remain the basic unit, in flat, plain areas, the population of a panchayat can be 3000 to 5000, in mountainous, tribal, remote areas 1000 to 3000, such gram panchayats can be selected in such districts where the size of this unit is not fixed. 2) The concerned MPs will have the freedom to select the gram panchayat they see fit. But they should not select their own or their husband’s/wife’s village. 3) The MP will select one gram panchayat for immediate development and two more gram panchayats will be selected after some time. 4) The initial target is to develop three model villages by March 2019. One of them will be achieved by 2016, after which five such model villages will be selected. (One every year) and will be developed by 2024.




    As above

    How To Apply

    Contact the relevant department.