
    Agriculture Department

    India is an agricultural country and agriculture is considered the pillar of the economy. The share of the agricultural sector in the country’s gross national income is 13.7% . Considering the country’s population increasing exponentially, it is necessary to increase agricultural income. For this, modern agricultural technology , improved seeds , fertilizers , tools , crop protection drugs, etc. are available to the farmers at reasonable prices and at the right time and to create awareness among the farmers for this and according to the motto of Bahujan Hitay , Bahujan Sukhay, the Agriculture Department , Zilla Parishad, Pune is working. Pune district consists of a total of 13 talukas and the geographical area of the district is 15,62,018 ha. and the net area under cultivation is 9,91,787 ha. (75.9%).

    Season-wise area under crops – Kharif season – 3,58,800 ha. Rabi season – 5,35,200 ha. Summer – 6,100 ha. Considering the climatic features of Pune district, the general climate of the district is hot. The climate in the west is cold, while the central part is dry and the eastern talukas are hot and dry. The average rainfall of the district is 845.8 mm. Most of the rain falls from the southwest monsoon during the period of June to October. The eastern talukas receive rain from the northeast monsoon. The amount of rain decreases from west to east. Important webpages